About Budget Planning & Administration
About Budget Planning & Administration
Budget Planning & Administration (BPA) supports the campus by estimating and allocating the fiscal resources needed by divisions and programs working to achieve student success and implement imperatives. In collaboration with the President's Budget Advisory Committee, BPA facilitates a transparent budget development process that considers and makes funding recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year. More specifically, the BPA team analyzes historical and anticipated expenditures, prepares various expense and funding scenarios, and documents budget decisions. BPA also allocates funds in alignment with the approved budget and as received by the Chancellor’s Office, monitors expenses and fund balances throughout the year, and effectuates fund transfers as needed and requested by divisions. In addition, BPA serves as a resource across the campus to analyze and make recommendations on the fiscal impact of decisions, such as developing pro-formas for capital projects, analyzing changes to Category IV and V fees, reviewing the fiscal health of auxiliaries and self-support organizations, and managing position changes.
Budget Resources
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Budget Planning & Administration
Sacramento Hall,
Room 259
Mon – Fri; 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.,
Mail Stop: 6040
Contact Us
Phone: (916) 278-7452
Email Preferred